
Norfolk Reporter

Friday, March 28, 2025

Norfolk County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?

Webp secretary of education patrick tutwiler 2023

TX Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler 2023 | Massachusetts Department of Education

TX Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler 2023 | Massachusetts Department of Education

TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School had the highest enrollment among Norfolk County schools, welcoming 2,940 students during the 2022-23 school year, according to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Of all the students welcomed in the 2022-23 school year, 56% of them were girls, and 43.8% were boys.

Data also showed that the majority of students were white, making up 55.3% of TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School's total enrollment.

Among the 192 schools in Norfolk County, Brookline High School ranked second in enrollment numbers with 2,087 students, while Weymouth High School welcomed 1,807 students and ranked third in the 2022-23 school year.

TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School is part of TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School District, which roughly covers schools within Norfolk County and has a main office in East Walpole.

In the previous school year, TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School also had the highest number of students among Norfolk County schools.

Students in Massachusetts are predominantly white, according to state data from 2024. Hispanic and Latino students come in second, making up 25.1% of the state's student body.

Across the state, Hispanic and Latino students suffered the highest high school dropout rates in 2022.

Underrepresentation is also found among educators in Massachusetts. The Rennie Center reported that only 9% of teachers are people of color.

Enrollment in TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School Over 4 Years

Enrollment in Norfolk County Schools During 2022-23 School Year
School nameCityTotal School Enrollment
TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual SchoolEast Walpole2,940
Brookline High SchoolBrookline2,087
Weymouth High SchoolWeymouth1,807
Braintree High SchoolBraintree1,706
Needham High SchoolNeedham1,645
Franklin High SchoolFranklin1,630
Foxborough Regional Charter SchoolFoxborough1,569
Quincy High SchoolQuincy1,495
North Quincy High SchoolQuincy1,476
Wellesley Senior High SchoolWellesley1,412
Sharon High SchoolSharon1,143
King Philip Regional High SchoolWrentham1,142
Stoughton High SchoolStoughton1,073
Milton High SchoolMilton1,062
Walpole High SchoolWalpole987
East Middle SchoolBraintree971
Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical SchoolFranklin957
Charles S. Pierce Middle SchoolMilton956
Norwood High SchoolNorwood941
Wellesley Middle SchoolWellesley922
Blue Hills Regional Vocational Technical SchoolCanton920
Canton High SchoolCanton904
Westwood High SchoolWestwood902
Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public SchoolFranklin862
Florida Ruffin Ridley SchoolBrookline851
Sharon Middle SchoolSharon845
Pollard Middle SchoolNeedham818
O'Donnell Middle SchoolStoughton815
Foxborough High SchoolFoxborough780
Dr. Philip O. Coakley Middle SchoolNorwood776
Wm. H. Galvin Middle SchoolCanton753
Bellingham High SchoolBellingham747
Medfield Senior High SchoolMedfield740
John J. Ahern SchoolFoxborough733
Dedham High SchoolDedham715
Pierce SchoolBrookline705
Newman Elementary SchoolNeedham699
John F. Kennedy SchoolHolbrook675
Edith C. Baker SchoolChestnut Hill672
King Philip Middle SchoolNorfolk670
Dover-Sherborn Regional High SchoolDover669
E. W. Thurston Middle SchoolWestwood661
Medway Middle SchoolMedway653
Central Middle SchoolQuincy647
Holbrook Middle High SchoolHolbrook635
Glover SchoolMilton633
Cunningham SchoolMilton627
Lawrence SchoolBrookline621
Randolph High SchoolRandolph619
Clyde F. Brown SchoolMillis617
Medway High SchoolMedway613
Bellingham Memorial SchoolBellingham587
Collicot SchoolMilton584
Delaney SchoolWrentham582
Thomas Blake Middle SchoolMedfield582
Norfolk County Agricultural SchoolWalpole580
Heights Elementary SchoolSharon569
Randolph Community Middle SchoolRandolph566
Atlantic Middle SchoolQuincy551
Lt. Peter M. Hansen SchoolCanton546
Lincoln-Hancock Community SchoolQuincy542
Dedham Middle SchoolDedham540
Helen Keller Elementary SchoolFranklin532
Sunita L. Williams Elementary SchoolNeedham529
Freeman-Kennedy SchoolNorfolk527
Clifford H. Marshall Elementary SchoolQuincy514
South Middle SchoolBraintree514
Broadmeadow SchoolNeedham510
John D. Runkle SchoolBrookline508
Chickering SchoolDover502
H Olive Day SchoolNorfolk489
East Elementary SchoolSharon489
William H. Lincoln SchoolBrookline485
Burke/Memorial Elementary SchoolMedway484
Dover-Sherborn Regional Middle SchoolDover482
Fisher SchoolWalpole476
John F. Kennedy SchoolCanton470
Hildreth Elementary SchoolHarvard460
Tucker SchoolMilton459
Heath SchoolChestnut Hill459
Dean S. Luce SchoolCanton457
Old Post Road SchoolEast Walpole457
Michael Driscoll SchoolBrookline456
William Mitchell SchoolNeedham452
High Rock SchoolNeedham446
Cottage Street SchoolSharon440
Elm Street SchoolWalpole439
South West Middle SchoolQuincy437
Montclair SchoolQuincy433
Cohasset High SchoolCohasset431
John Eliot SchoolNeedham426
Memorial SchoolMedfield422
Margaret L. Donovan SchoolRandolph421
J. F. Kennedy Elementary SchoolRandolph420
Eleanor N. Johnson Middle SchoolWalpole417
Point Webster Middle SchoolQuincy411
Highlands SchoolBraintree409
Boyden SchoolWalpole408
George F. Willett Early Childhood CenterNorwood402
Snug Harbor Community SchoolQuincy400
Ralph D. Butler SchoolAvon392
Dale Street SchoolMedfield389
Ralph Wheelock SchoolMedfield380
Joseph R. Dawe Junior Elementary SchoolStoughton380
Bird Middle SchoolEast Walpole377
Joseph Osgood SchoolCohasset376
Horace Mann SchoolFranklin376
Liberty SchoolBraintree371
Charles E. Roderick SchoolWrentham369
Remington Middle SchoolFranklin367
Oak Street Elementary SchoolFranklin363
John D. Mc Govern Elementary SchoolMedway358
William Seach SchoolWeymouth356
Beatrice H. Wood Elementary SchoolPlainville355
Vincent M. Igo Elementary SchoolFoxborough354
Squantum SchoolQuincy352
Thomas W. Hamilton Primary SchoolSouth Weymouth350
Joseph H. Gibbons SchoolStoughton349
Jefferson Elementary SchoolFranklin349
Academy AvenueWeymouth344
Wessagusset SchoolNorth Weymouth341
Charles A. Bernazzani Elementary SchoolQuincy340
J. F. Kennedy Memorial SchoolFranklin338
Avon Middle High SchoolAvon338
Mabelle M. Burrell SchoolFoxborough333
Wollaston SchoolQuincy333
Hollis SchoolBraintree333
Schofield SchoolWellesley333
Beechwood Knoll Elementary SchoolQuincy330
Merrymount SchoolQuincy327
Broad Meadows Middle SchoolQuincy321
Francis W. Parker SchoolQuincy319
Annie Sullivan Middle SchoolFranklin318
Millis High SchoolMillis313
F. A. Cleveland SchoolNorwood313
Balch SchoolNorwood312
Richard L. Wilkins Elementary SchoolStoughton312
Downey SchoolWestwood308
Early Childhood CenterDedham307
Archie T. Morrison SchoolBraintree305
Deer Hill SchoolCohasset304
Joseph F. DiPietro Elementary SchoolBellingham300
Avery SchoolDedham297
Cohasset Middle SchoolCohasset295
Anna Ware Jackson SchoolPlainville293
Mary E. Flaherty SchoolBraintree290
Parmenter SchoolFranklin289
Sprague Elementary SchoolWellesley287
William E. Sheehan SchoolWestwood287
Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary SchoolRandolph285
South Elementary SchoolStoughton281
Joseph E. Fiske SchoolWellesley280
Frederick C. Murphy SchoolWeymouth279
Greenlodge SchoolDedham277
John P. Oldham SchoolNorwood275
Katharine Lee Bates SchoolWellesley271
Millis Middle SchoolMillis270
Martha Jones SchoolWestwood264
Helen Hansen Elementary SchoolStoughton264
Ralph Talbot SchoolSouth Weymouth259
Lawrence W. Pingree SchoolWeymouth258
Atherton Hough SchoolQuincy256
Charles Taylor Elementary SchoolFoxborough254
Martin E. Young Elementary SchoolRandolph252
Oakdale SchoolDedham245
Stall Brook SchoolBellingham245
Charles J. Prescott SchoolNorwood243
Thomas V. Nash SchoolWeymouth232
Paul Hanlon SchoolWestwood230
Cornelius M. Callahan SchoolNorwood224
John D. Hardy SchoolWellesley206
Donald Ross SchoolBraintree206
Monatiquot Kindergarten CenterBraintree200
Hunnewell SchoolWellesley198
Deerfield SchoolWestwood196
Johnson Early Childhood CenterWeymouth178
Riverdale SchoolDedham174
Amelio Della Chiesa Early Childhood CenterQuincy165
Ernest F. Upham SchoolWellesley160
Franklin Early Childhood Development CenterFranklin149
Edwin A. Jones Early Childhood CenterStoughton104
Bellingham Early Childhood CenterBellingham100
Rodman Early Childhood CenterCanton89
Preschool at Wellesley SchoolsWellesley89
Daniel Feeney Preschool CenterWalpole88
Brookline Early Education Program at Clark RoadBrookline64
Sharon Early Childhood CenterSharon56
Brookline Early Education Program at PutterhamChestnut Hill52
The Lynch CenterBrookline50
Brookline Early Education Program at BeaconBrookline50
Westwood Integrated PreschoolWestwood42
Keough Memorial AcademyBellingham28


Norfolk County Agricultural SchoolLiberty SchoolSharon High SchoolPreschool At Wellesley SchoolsBraintree High SchoolVincent M. Igo Elementary SchoolMerrymount SchoolAnna Ware Jackson SchoolSnug Harbor Community SchoolCharles E. Roderick SchoolMontclair SchoolCohasset Middle SchoolTec Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual SchoolLawrence SchoolH Olive Day SchoolWellesley Senior High SchoolBoyden SchoolAmelio Della Chiesa Early Childhood CenterThe Lynch CenterHighlands SchoolMedfield Senior High SchoolJohn Eliot SchoolEast Elementary SchoolJohn D. Runkle SchoolPaul Hanlon SchoolNorth Quincy High SchoolMedway High SchoolWeymouth High SchoolAtlantic Middle SchoolEast Middle SchoolMillis Middle SchoolBrookline Early Education Program At BeaconCohasset High SchoolDean S. Luce SchoolOak Street Elementary SchoolMartin E. Young Elementary SchoolGeorge F. Willett Early Childhood CenterJoseph F. Dipietro Elementary SchoolSouth Middle SchoolMartha Jones SchoolBurke/Memorial Elementary SchoolWilliam H. Lincoln SchoolCollicot SchoolBrookline Early Education Program At Clark RoadJefferson Elementary SchoolMilton High SchoolHelen Hansen Elementary SchoolBlue Hills Regional Vocational Technical SchoolRemington Middle SchoolGlover SchoolSunita L. Williams Elementary SchoolSprague Elementary SchoolMonatiquot Kindergarten CenterWestwood Integrated PreschoolJ. F. Kennedy Elementary SchoolBellingham Memorial Middle SchoolMillis High SchoolMary E. Flaherty SchoolSchofield SchoolJ. F. Kennedy Memorial SchoolSouth West Middle SchoolEdwin A. Jones Early Childhood CenterDale Street SchoolPierce SchoolBeatrice H. Wood Elementary SchoolJohn D. Mc Govern Elementary SchoolBrookline High SchoolTucker SchoolCornelius M. Callahan SchoolThomas Blake Middle SchoolFrederick C. Murphy SchoolMabelle M. Burrell SchoolWm. H. Galvin Middle SchoolSharon Middle SchoolHildreth Elementary SchoolEarly Childhood CenterDover-Sherborn Regional Middle SchoolCharles Taylor Elementary SchoolRalph D. Butler SchoolWessagusset SchoolWellesley Middle SchoolKing Philip Regional High SchoolBellingham Early Childhood CenterDeerfield SchoolErnest F. Upham SchoolNeedham High SchoolF. A. Cleveland SchoolWalpole High SchoolMedway Middle SchoolHolbrook Middle High SchoolLt. Peter M. Hansen SchoolTri-County Regional Vocational Technical SchoolFlorida Ruffin Ridley SchoolFoxborough High SchoolQuincy High SchoolJohn F. Kennedy SchoolBeechwood Knoll Elementary SchoolCharles S. Pierce Middle SchoolKatharine Lee Bates SchoolStoughton High SchoolChickering SchoolHorace Mann SchoolDedham Middle SchoolHunnewell SchoolAnnie Sullivan Middle SchoolHollis SchoolGreenlodge SchoolRodman Early Childhood CenterHeath SchoolFoxborough Regional Charter SchoolWestwood High SchoolRandolph High SchoolCharles J. Prescott SchoolBenjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public SchoolClifford H. Marshall Elementary SchoolAtherton Hough SchoolHelen Keller Elementary SchoolRandolph Community Middle SchoolCunningham SchoolBrookline Early Education Program at PutterhamLincoln-Hancock Community SchoolFranklin Early Childhood Development CenterJoseph H. Gibbons SchoolJohnson Early Childhood CenterOakdale SchoolParmenter SchoolFranklin High SchoolRichard L. Wilkins Elementary SchoolHigh Rock SchoolOld Post Road SchoolBroad Meadows Middle SchoolJoseph R. Dawe Junior Elementary SchoolMassachusetts State Board of EducationKing Philip Middle SchoolJohn P. Oldham SchoolSquantum SchoolMichael Driscoll SchoolCentral Middle SchoolHeights Elementary SchoolEleanor N. Johnson Middle SchoolClyde F. Brown SchoolE. W. Thurston Middle SchoolEdith C. Baker SchoolDedham High SchoolWilliam Mitchell SchoolBellingham High SchoolJohn D. Hardy SchoolThomas V. Nash SchoolNewman Elementary SchoolRalph Talbot SchoolDowney SchoolKeough Memorial AcademyWollaston SchoolRalph Wheelock SchoolFreeman-Kennedy SchoolDaniel Feeney Preschool CenterElizabeth G. Lyons Elementary SchoolCottage Street SchoolDelaney SchoolThomas W. Hamilton Primary SchoolDr. Philip O. Coakley Middle SchoolMargaret L. Donovan SchoolStall Brook SchoolJohn F. Kennedy SchoolSharon Early Childhood CenterBroadmeadow SchoolElm Street SchoolSouth Elementary SchoolPollard Middle SchoolDeer Hill SchoolFrancis W. Parker SchoolPoint Webster Middle SchoolJoseph Osgood SchoolBalch SchoolO'Donnell Middle SchoolAvery SchoolAcademy AvenueDover-Sherborn Regional High SchoolFisher SchoolWilliam Seach SchoolJohn J. Ahern SchoolJoseph E. Fiske SchoolAvon Middle High SchoolDonald Ross SchoolWilliam E. Sheehan SchoolLawrence W. Pingree SchoolMemorial SchoolNorwood High SchoolRiverdale SchoolCharles A. Bernazzani Elementary SchoolArchie T. Morrison SchoolBird Middle School


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