
Norfolk Reporter

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

More than 75 new Trees Planned for Pageant Field


Thomas P. Koch | Thomas P. Koch official website

Thomas P. Koch | Thomas P. Koch official website

Natural Resources Commissioner Dave Murphy announced that 75 new trees are being planted as part of the renovations and improvements at Pageant Field in Merrymount Park. These trees are in addition to the 60 new trees being planted this month on the slope along Merrymount Parkway.

There is a new walking path being constructed around the perimeter of Pageant Field. There will be plantings of new trees and flowering shrubs along the pathway throughout the park. Tree species will include Wildfire Tupelo, Sweet Gum, Canadian Seviceberry, Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple, Red Maple, White Oak, Red Oak, Eastern Redbud, White Spruce, American Holly, Pitch Pine, and Eastern Redcedar. The trees will be planted over the course of the next few weeks.

In addition, there will be a number of plants and shrubs to include various azalea species, bayberry, hydrangea, summersweet, juniper, mountain laurel, chokeberry, calamint, coneflower, aster, iris, wavy hair grass, barren strawberry and more.

The planting design was created by Richard Houghton of Halvorson who helped design the Hancock Adams Common, with assistance from Natural Resources Project Manager / Urban Forester Mike Casinelli.

“I am excited to see our designs come to life this Spring,” said Murphy. “Pageant Field will be one of the prettiest spots in Massachusetts once this project is completed. I want to thank Mayor Koch for his vision, support, and hands-on leadership for this great project. It is already the most-utilized park location in Quincy and I expect its use to continue to increase with the new amenities.”

In addition to the plantings, a new picnic pavilion was installed. Pageant Field hosts dozens of community and family picnics every year. It is also the home of many Quincy Recreation summer programs. Pageant also hosts many community events to include the Flag Day flag-raising every June.

A new softball diamond was built to support the girls’ softball program. A New England fieldstone veneer was added to the rest room building to add to its aesthetic. The Ruth Gordon Amphitheater is receiving a new electrical service and will host a series of events this summer.

New bocce and horseshoe courts will be built. Sand volleyball courts will be added to match the growing interest in that sport.

Renovations at Pageant should be substantially complete in early June. 

Original source can be found here.