
Norfolk Reporter

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Medical Waste Collection Day- April 30, 2022


On Saturday, April 30, 2022, from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m., Randolph residents can bring in their unwanted, unused, or expired prescription drugs to the rear of 41 South Main Street parking lot for safe, secure, packaging, transportation and disposal of unwanted medications and used syringes out of your Randolph home. In past events, we’ve collected more than 200 pounds of, drugs, pills, syrups and syringes that would have otherwise lingered in bathroom medicine chests and kitchen cabinets.

Cleaning out your home medicine cabinet is a tool that we can use to help reduce the risk of drug addiction, especially with our youth.  Sometimes household medications end up in the hands of youth who experiment with these drugs and this activity may become a pathway to addiction.  Removing unwanted drugs from the home may help to eliminate this temptation.

Another benefit of the Medical Waste Collection program is that it keeps drugs from contaminating our environment and local watershed.  The Town of Randolph has a shared overall goal of eliminating human addiction threats and reducing unnecessary medicine exposure to local water sheds and the environment.

The Town of Randolph recommends that you get rid of all unused drugs in the home.  It’s simple and easy.  Gather them up and take them to our collection event on Saturday, April 30, 2022.  The service is available from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  It’s free and your identity remains anonymous since the drugs are packaged for final disposal at the event.  

For additional information please contact the Public Health Commissioner, Gerard F. Cody at 781-961-0924  or email gcody@randolph-ma.gov.  These events are brought to you by the Board of Health, Randolph Police Department, Human Services and Public Health Department.

To view this letter in a PDF format, please click here.

Original source can be found here.